Abuse Allegation Submission

If anyone has reason to believe, or might suspect, there is or has been abuse involving clergy, employees, volunteers, or children attending SSPX schools, parish religious education programs, or other church-related events, those suspicions or allegations are to be reported.

The completed form is CONFIDENTIAL and will be submitted to Miss Rebecca Heatwole, Victim Advocate, Society of Saint Pius X. 

We promise a compassionate and pastoral response to help in the healing and reconciliation process.

  • Current Suspected Abuse Details
  • Alleged Victim Information
  • Parent/Guardian Information
  • Alleged Perpetrator Information
  • Complete
Please provide the name of the chapel/academy and city, state where the incident occurred. 
Have you contacted chapel/academy leadership?
Please provide the name of the person spoken to at the chapel/academy.
Have you reported the suspected abuse to local authorities?
Provide the agency name and case number (if available) where the report was filed. 
Nature of Suspected Abuse
Please tell us the facts, physical signs, or course of events that gave you a reasonable suspicion of maltreatment of the child.